Fellowship 2022: Shriya Dani

As I wrap up my internship at Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips's office for the summer, I have had some time for reflection. I have had an excellent experience, as I've gotten the opportunity to learn about the state legislative process in a depth I never fully understood. Entering this program, I was not very educated on the legislative world and government affairs, and I was worried that I would be the only one with a lack of knowledge. However, I quickly realized that NJ Lead’s entire mission was to educate us and inflict a passion for legislative change in whatever our personal passions are.

Throughout my time as a fellow, I had the honor of having an excellent partner in the office, who as a retired nurse, was able to tell me stories that served my interests in both the medical field and the political field. She offered me the chance to draft two memos for possible bills I personally believe carry an importance. For one memo, I wrote about increased attention toward the mental health of physicians in the healthcare system, perhaps by introducing new programs at the structural level to help break down stigma at the organizational level. The second memo was about the importance of safety on Election Day in schools; I proposed a uniform approach to the logistics of school opening on Election Day with increased security measures to ensure student safety. Thus, even as a novice, I have learned and accomplished more than I thought I could over the past four weeks.

Aside from my internship at the office, I have also had the opportunity to listen to and learn from leaders in different parts of the field. They have discussed many things with us: advocacy, government, politics and campaigning. But most importantly, we heard their stories. I realized that so many of our leaders started off in a similar position as myself: confused about their future, not sure where they were really heading with various interests, but positively moving forward and learning from their experiences nevertheless. Hearing their stories has comforted and motivated me to take strides for change, starting in my own community.

As I emerge as a budding member of public service, I will be sure to take all the lessons I’ve learned through the NJ Lead program with me. I will keep in mind the importance of bipartisan relationships, while also sticking true to my personal values and beliefs. I will continue to push past my boundaries, but I will not let anyone step into mine. Most importantly, I will continue to serve confidently, bringing a new generation of change.