Fellowship 2022: Samirah Hussain

I started out in this program unsure of what to expect. I remembered Ishan telling us that this program was what we make of it, and I was determined to juice every last drop of knowledge and experience this program could give me. My internship in Assemblyman Benson’s office has afforded me with a deep understanding of the NJ legislature, lobbying, and constituent services. It is so inspiring to see how passionate constituents are over certain issues. Some constituents have even started campaigns and petitions for their causes. It motivates me to advocate for the causes I believe in as well. While researching bills, I have learned about issues I didn’t even know existed and battles I didn’t even know needed fighting. I recently did research on a proposed 24% increase in health insurance premiums by the state, and was outraged that this could occur when New Jersey citizens were already suffering from inflation. It gave me a deeper respect for the legislators, lobbyists and public servants that fight these battles on our behalf. It made me want to be on the front lines of similar battles. 

Additionally, this program has pushed me out of my comfort zone, particularly with networking. Networking is no easy skill, and can be quite nerve-wracking at first. Through the speakership series and events thrown by the Assemblyman, I have gained confidence in my abilities to talk to new people and expand my network. Furthermore, it is truly moving to hear the stories of other South Asian women in politics through our speakership series. More so, it is difficult not to admire how they found success and fulfillment in politics even when undermined and underestimated, fueled by courage and determination. I hope to embody these qualities as I move forward with my career in politics.